Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Love Letter to Jimmy Fallon

Dear Jimmy,

I know you like to write hand-written thank you notes so I thought I might pen one of mine own to you.  But mine is more than a thank you.  It's more of an "I love you".  I have been thinking a lot about you recently.  Not in a creepy (who are you anyway) way but in a person who admires you from afar way. I've been trying to figure out why I love your show.  I've been trying to figure out your secret sauce.

I am not really much of a late night girl.  That is not to say that I don't like to stay up late, which I do, but I never have felt compelled to watch late night television.  Oh wait.. well I did get to enjoy David Letterman when I had newborn babies and was up all hours of the night nursing them.  But for the most part, this is not my thing.  I, along with half of the population got caught up in all the hype and excitement with your debut on the Tonight Show.  I think I was mostly fascinated to see how you would handle such a momentous opportunity.

But I was not just sucked in for the first show or the first week of shows.  I have been pretty much sucked in.  And I keep asking myself what is it about Jimmy that I find so completely captivating.  Is it just that you are a complete goof-ball and seem to have more fun with each guest who comes on the show?  Maybe.  But I actually had a flash of insight yesterday while reading People Magazine.

When the heck did a person ever get flashes of insight while reading People?  Please don't judge but It is my magazine of choice when I am captive somewhere- like a hair salon or a nail salon or worse, waiting for a dentist appointment.  I read People Magazine when there is nothing else to do.  And there you were on the cover.  So I read the story. I must say that it wasn't especially well-written.  It seemed like the writer just kept trying to jam quotes from you into the story.  But who cares. The point is it told a wonderful story about your life and your daughter and how you and your wife are adjusting to so many big changes at one time.

There were two things that jumped out at me.. remember the flashes of insight I was talking about?  The first is that you are a happy man.  You are loving your life right now.  You are happy to go to work on Monday and happy to go home on Friday night.  This has got to be a big part of your secret sauce.  You are truly loving life and it shows.  You are delighted by your family and you are delighted by the shenanigans that you and your team are putting together with your guests each night.

But my other favorite quote in the piece (this is not a direct quote because I never take People Magazine home with me-  Bon Appetit in November maybe, but People never). My other favorite quote in the piece was about how exhausted you and your wife feel so much of the time and that you have both developed "awesome" eye twitches.

Ok so Jimmy.  I know you don't know me but I am going to share something really personal with you.  I have been having an eye twitch lately too.  I do not take to this kindly.  I worry that people will notice and think that I'm somehow falling apart.  I worry that Bell's Palsy is not far behind.  I worry that I look more tired than I feel.  But wait.  You called your eye twitch awesome.  This is your real secret.  You turn everything into something to celebrate.  Instead of fretting about your eye twitching which would be totally understandable since  you have millions of people watching your face on television five nights a week,  you turn it into something awesome. So if you can rise above the millions of people watching your face and not worry about a silly little twitch, well then so can I.

So I thank you for your awesomeness.  I thank you for making me laugh.  I thank you for bringing back something as old school and traditional as a hand-written thank you note.  I love that you are so enamored with your baby girl.  And while I'm having a bit more trouble leaping out of bed in the morning, I thank you for entertaining me so completely.

Happy Fathers Day.

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